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Sexually Transmitted Infections


It's a hard subject to talk about, but really important. One of two sexually active teens and young adults will get an STI (sexually transmitted infection) by age 25yo. At the Teen Zone we know the most important factor in preventing the spread of STIs is good education and screening. That is why we are available for all of our patients to talk about this subject, no matter what their current risk factors. Everyone should know that screening for STIs is very easy. Simply by giving us a urine sample, most teens could be tested.

We love the CDC venture to get teens and young adults educated. It's called Get Yourself Tested. Go to their website to learn more:


KID-DOC Pediatrics
14855 Blanco Rd., Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: 210-492-0900
Fax: 210-492-0977

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