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Sleep Disorder

- Occurs most often in 5-16 year olds
- See more often with a family history of sleep walking
- SAFETY is top concern (baby gate at top of stairs, lock the doors and windows, set house alarm)
- Do not wake them up but guide them gently back to bed

Night Terrors
- Occurs most often 1-4 year olds
- Will wake up screaming and terrified
- Triggers are going to bed very late or very tired
- Use a soothing voice to guide them back to sleep
- Can use nap time or a quiet time during the day to make sure they are not over exhausted at bedtime

- Can occur as young as 6 months, but most often 3-12 years of age
- Nightmare relates to their developmental stage of life
- Prevent by avoiding violent or scary shows/games
- Turn on lights and provide reassurance when your child wakes up with a nightmare

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Topic: Sleeping Disorders-11/13/20.

Samantha Reeh, CPNP Samantha Reeh has been a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP) for over 5 years. She believes in providing education to parents and children about their health and wellness. Her goal is to help teach families to take control of their health, both physical and emotional, and be active participants in their care. While not in the clinic taking care of patients or doing her weekly live Facebook videos, she loves spending time with her 2 dogs and exercising.

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